level of violence

美 [ˈlevl əv ˈvaɪələns]英 [ˈlevl ɒv ˈvaɪələns]
  • 暴力水平
level of violencelevel of violence
  1. Hundreds of suspected militants have been detained , but the level of violence appears to be rising .


  2. He noted a recent Security Council resolution permitting a renewal , if the government stops shelling civilian areas and if the level of violence decreases .


  3. The level of violence in the film really disgusted me .


  4. The level of violence in the movie really disgusted me .


  5. The level of violence has decreased sharply and the ring road is safer .


  6. The security situation in Iraq remains , but the general level of violence has dropped in recent months .


  7. This level of violence makes the United States an extreme outlier when measured against the experience of other advanced countries .


  8. Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev would not say what level of violence would provoke Israel to call off the cease-fire .


  9. For how to determine the level of violence of the issue , put forward to should pass on the objective that the refinement and interpreted to determine .


  10. He says the most serious threat comes from the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan , where , he says , the level of violence has been rising .


  11. The level of violence equals those of Hong Kong action films , with eviscerations , snapped necks and impalements galore .


  12. There is also evidence that watching violent news programmes can affect children 's perceptions of the level of violence in their own neighbourhood , which may then influence their behaviour .


  13. In this first in a series of reports on the Iraq war , the fight against an insurgency continues even though a troop surge last year has helped reduce the level of violence .


  14. Conclusion Measures should be taken to reduce fear level of suffering violence at workplace according to these risk factors among medical staffs .


  15. It is often ranked among the greatest films of all time and is famous for bringing in a new level of acceptable violence and sexuality in films .


  16. Throughout the night I would alternate between the front-line , the makeshift hospital and a room where dead were kept , documenting a level of brute violence and horror I hadn 't witnessed until that night .
